Political drumbeat: cultural confidence
Language Log 2024-02-19
Yesterday, the hypernationalistic CCP government propaganda organ, Global Times, published the following article:
"China shows cultural confidence as world shares Spring Festival’s spirit, legacy, joy", by Ai Peng, Global Times (2/18/24)
Mark Metcalf called the conspicuous expression "cultural confidence" to my attention:
It's appeared in LL twice.
If we go back a few months to the bimonthly theoretical and philosophical organ of the CCP, Qiúshì 求是 ("Seeking Truth", an excellent, but not direct, literal, and transparent translation*), we will find the firm foundation for the current prevalence of this doctrine ("cultural confidence") in the following article:
"Jiāndìng wénhuà zìxìn 坚定文化自信"** ("Strengthen cultural confidence"), Qiúshì 求是 ("Seeking Truth").
*The title of this magazine originated in "shí shì qiú shì 实事求是" ("seeking truth from facts"), a set phrase from the Hàn Shū 漢書 (Book / History of Han [Dynasty], completed in 111 AD).
**The source of this article is from a 9/27/23 draft prepared by Xú Zhōng 徐中 for Hóngqí 红旗 (Red Flag), a major political journal of the CCP.
The seminal Red Flag article monotonously repeats the expression "wénhuà zìxìn 文化自信" ("cultural confidence") 35 times (altogether nearly 150 hànzì 汉字 ("sinoglyphs"), most often preceded by the verb "jiāndìng 坚定" ("strengthen"), thus "jiāndìng wénhuà zìxìn 坚定文化自信" ("strengthen cultural confidence"). There are a total number of 3,582 hànzì 汉字 ("sinoglyphs").
Mark probes the phenomenon more deeply when he says:
I guess "cultural confidence" is one way to deal with the reality of the PRC today. As Delia Lin says in her chapter "The CCP's Exploitation of Confucianism and Legalism" in The Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party: "The official ideology of the CCP still is Marxism, which is a Western idea. If tradition determines a nation’s future, how can one justify a borrowed guiding ideology?" (p. 55)
…Just as Pixar helped animated films captivate an audience beyond popcorn-popping children, Light Chaser Animation, a studio in Beijing, has boosted cartoons’ popularity in China. Light Chaser’s first three productions were cinematic marvels but financial flops. It was not until “White Snake” (2019), a love story between a snake hunter and snake spirit (made for adults), that the studio enjoyed its first success. Its “30,000 Miles from Chang’an”, which was the seventh-highest-grossing film of 2023, featured lyrical recitals of poetry from the Tang dynasty and blended elements from Chinese culture, history and mythology.
That is a common theme among successful Chinese animations: the top three highest-grossing ones all drew on traditional themes. This chimes with the Communist Party’s drive for “cultural confidence”; in other words, China should be proud of its heritage and not in thrall to Western cultural influences…
Karl Marx and Confucius may have lived 2,400 years apart, but recently, on Chinese state television, their characters were depicted meeting. The show, “When Marx Met Confucius” is one of the latest attempts to promote Xi Jinping Thought on Culture—the leader’s new doctrine for stronger cultural confidence in China. It, and the series, are part of a larger national rejuvenation plan.
The party’s founders had little good to say about China’s pre-communist history. But Xi Jinping, the current leader, has backed the revival of old instruments. They feature on China’s list of nominations for UNESCO‘s record of “intangible cultural heritage of humanity”. This is part of a broader effort to celebrate past glories. China’s ancient culture is the “root and soul” of the nation, says Mr Xi, who aims to build “cultural confidence”.
China often uses its civilisation as a shield against criticism by Western countries over human rights and democracy. They should not try to impose their own values on China’s unique culture, suggests Mr Xi. At the same time, China is presenting a softer side to the West in the form of plucked strings and piped tunes. The party sponsors international festivals and concerts. Earlier this year Mr Xi and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, enjoyed a guqin recital in the southern city of Guangzhou.
The Chinese name for Lego, Legao, includes the character for happiness. And indeed, China has brought much joy to the world’s top toymaker by revenue. Brick by brick, the Danish company has built up its business in the country, which is increasingly central to the firm’s future. Last year over 60% of the new shops opened by Lego were in China.
That brings with it unique challenges. In 2015, for example, Lego refused to sell bricks to Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist known for criticising Communist Party leaders. Mr Ai planned to use the toys in a piece on dissidents. The company eventually backed down, saying it would no longer query the purpose of large orders. More recently, a rainbow-coloured set that celebrates inclusivity, called “Everyone is Awesome”, stopped being available in China.
But the focus on China has also led to interesting new creations aimed at the local market. In recent years Lego has released a number of sets that evoke the country’s culture. The latest include a traditional lunar-new-year display and a Chinese money tree adorned with red envelopes. Duplo, a Lego line aimed at younger children, has produced a “Learn about Chinese culture” model that incorporates red lanterns and a Mahjong set.
Lego’s “Monkie Kid” theme is inspired by “Journey to the West”, a 16th-century Chinese legend. Of course, the original monkey king did not have a “dragon jet” or “galactic explorer”. But these sets seem in line with the party’s push to build “cultural confidence”. So too does “Lego Masters”, the local version of a reality-TV show in which adult builders compete. Each episode is inspired by “the profound Chinese traditional culture”, says its broadcaster, Shenzhen Media Group.
Why China is turning away from English
President Xi Jinping wants his country to show more “cultural confidence”
This China wants to be seen as modern but lovable. That explains dancing robots at Wukesong’s security checkpoint, singing the Beijing 2022 theme song, “Together for a Shared Future”. Even some Olympic venues reflect growing cultural confidence, such as a freestyle-ski ramp built among the disused cooling towers and blast furnaces of Shougang, a former steelworks in western Beijing. Unfairly mocked by foreign commentators, Shougang is actually magnificent: a slice of carefully preserved industrial heritage resembling a steam-punk film set.
A conditional welcome
But China’s confidence has a darker side. Guided in part by grievance-stoking propaganda outlets, the public mood increasingly resents foreign criticism. In this polarising age, many in China divide the world into friends—countries and organisations that praise China as a model—and the rest. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, issued a joint statement with Mr Xi just before the opening ceremony that unveiled a united front against America and its Western allies. The pair condemned powers that use “advocacy of democracy and human rights” to lean on other countries, and endorsed what sound a lot like Russian and Chinese spheres of influence in Europe and East Asia. Both hailed a moment of “redistribution of power in the world”. Pakistan is liked in China because it is a noisily loyal ally. Its prime minister, Imran Khan, in Beijing for the games, praised China’s Communist Party for its discipline and focus on ending poverty, hailing its achievements as “unique in the history of mankind”.
China’s atheist Communist Party encourages folk religion
…Mazu has competition, revealed by the Chinese characters for “Emmanuel” discreetly painted on a few ships putting to sea. Perhaps 100 boats are Christian-owned, claims Peter, a local Protestant. Party leaders see Christianity as a foreign intruder, he laments. That is why they promote folk religion and “cultural confidence”. Yet the fishing life calls for deeper faith, Peter argues: the ocean reminds man how small he is in the face of nature.
Why young Chinese are sporting 1,800-year-old fashions
…Enthusiasts claim that a million Chinese, mostly youngsters, regularly wear Hanfu, or robes inspired by traditional Han dress. The unplanned emergence of any social movement in China presents Communist bosses with a choice: scramble to the front of the parade and claim to lead it, or ban it. For now, the parade continues. State media hail Hanfu as a welcome complement to calls from President Xi Jinping to revive traditional culture and values. In April 2018 the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, a recruitment channel for party members, declared a first “Traditional Chinese Garment Day”. The league urged young Chinese to don ancient finery to demonstrate “cultural confidence” to the world. There was a caveat, however. The league’s commemorative day honours what it calls Huafu, or “Chinese dress”. That encompasses not only Han traditions but those of China’s 55 official ethnic minorities, from such places as Tibet, Inner Mongolia or the restive Muslim region of Xinjiang. The league’s caution reflects wariness about overt Han chauvinism, which threatens official narratives about a unified, multi-ethnic China.
The Communist Party is redefining what it means to be Chinese
And is glossing over its own history of mauling Chinese culture
Since coming to power in 2012 Xi Jinping, the president, has intensified efforts to build what he refers to as “cultural confidence”. In an extraordinary denial of its legacy, the Communist Party has taken to presenting itself as “the faithful heir” of traditional Chinese culture. “Our civilisation has developed in an unbroken line from ancient to modern times,” Mr Xi declared in 2012. In January the government sought to codify its attempts to “preserve” traditional culture by outlining a vast array of policies that local and national officials should advance.
Individual elements of the policy to promote “the integration of leisure life and traditional cultural development” sound rather benign. Taken together, however, they constitute an attempt to infuse daily life with a sanitised and government-sanctioned version of Chinese culture. The intention, as in so much that Mr Xi does, is to secure the enduring power of the Communist Party.
The agenda touches every aspect of life. The white paper calls for an emphasis on “our festivals”, so local and national holidays are being celebrated with new vigour. Some people are proposing that China should pick its own Mother’s Day, rather than copy the American date (China already has a native version of Valentine’s Day). State media are boosting the use of Chinese medicine when people fall ill, wearing Han robes when they get married, and keeping fit by practising tai chi and other ancient sports (a recent viral video lauds “Kung Fu Granny”, a 94-year-old who reckons she owes her longevity partly to such activities). The party is trying to bend popular culture to its agenda, too. On August 5th it announced plans to replace prime-time entertainment and reality TV shows that “hype” pop stars with programmes of higher “moral” content. Examples include a much-plugged quiz show about classical poetry and another in which children compete to write complicated Chinese characters.
It is evident that the Economist has had its finger on the contemporary Chinese language language pulse and was aware of the nascent cultural confidence before the CCP realized that it could be a convenient political tool within the last couple of years.
Regardless of when the expression first occurred, it is clear that the CCP political philosophy propaganda machinery is campaigning vigorously to make it a watchword for Chinese citizens and apparatchiks alike.
For me, the takeaway is that China lacks cultural confidence. Elsewise, why would they be making such a to-do over it at this particular time (the New Year's celebrations, when people are supposed to be full of enthusiasm for their nation and confidence in its traditions)? A rallying cry for the people to stand up against the onslaught of foreign culture that they love so much — from English language and Japanese anime to Lego plastic bricks and K-pop, plus everything in between.
Selected readings
- "Xi Jinping's faux classicism" (7/2/23)
- "English in Beijing" (12/7/23)
- "English in China" (10/25/06)
- "English in China #2" (3/16/13)
- "English Banned in Chinese Writing" (12/23/10)
- "Pinyin vs. English" (10/20/23)
- "Ask Language Log: The alphabet in China" (11/6/19)
- "The de-Westernization of Chinese" (9/18/12)