2012 in review (part 2 of 2)

Lindsey Kuper 2013-03-15


Continued from part 1!

As June came to an end, I went to back-to-back Mountain Goats concerts -- John Darnielle solo shows, really -- on the 27th and 28th, bringing Alex with me for the first (it was his first Mountain Goats show) and my friend Emily for the second (her first, as well). Because I lived in Mountain View, I spent twice as much time getting to and from these shows on public transit than I spent actually at the shows, but it was worth it, and I was really happy to get to give Alex and Emily a proper introduction to a band I've loved for a long time. Neither show quite left my head for months. (LMA has the first night's recording, which happened to be the night that JD played not one but two songs about professional wrestling.)

July arrived, and Ryan and I made a final push to finish up our POPL submission on time, with the help of many friends and colleagues who read drafts of it for us. Ken Shan spotted a couple of particularly subtle bugs.

Just before the deadline, a friend of Ryan's pointed us to some related work we hadn't seen yet: a very recent tech report from the group working on the Bloom language at Berkeley. Then, it turned out that my Mozilla colleague Niko had a friend who had worked on Bloom. Niko put me in touch with his friend, I started talking to the Bloom folks, various enthusiastic emails were exchanged, and I ended up being invited to go visit Berkeley and give a talk in August.

Things that Jim can help you with at OPLSS.

With the POPL deadline behind me, I took two weeks off from Mozilla to attend OPLSS inEugene, Oregon, an annual two-week-long summer school that draws PL folks from around the world. The lectures were intense, mind-bending, and entertaining, and I loved hanging out with the people at OPLSS.

But it was at around this point in the summer that I began to feel pulled apart at the seams, because there were so many things I had to do and they all seemed critically urgent. Although our paper was now done, I had returned to trying to fix the remaining bug in our determinism proof, so that Ryan and I could put up the tech report that was supposed to accompany the paper. I felt guilty for not doing the OPLSS homework -- after attending the lectures all day, whatever energy I had left was going toward working on the proof instead. On the other hand, I felt equally guilty for being at OPLSS at all instead of back at Mozilla hacking on traits, which had gone rather quickly in my mind from being a somewhat exotic, nice-to-have feature to an essential feature that the language sorely needed. (Indeed, Niko's type inference code was filled with plaintive comments about how the implementation could have been so much cleaner, if only we had traits.) And on top of everything else, I had to prepare for my upcoming talk at Berkeley.

After a few days at OPLSS, with all my various research and work obligations at war for my attention, I was a stressed-out wreck. Alex listened to my woes on the phone with characteristic patience and understanding. Another thing that helped was getting out of my dreary, isolating OPLSS dorm room (my roommate had been a no-show, so it was just me) and running on the beautiful network of trails around Eugene. Nevertheless, with all the other stuff I had to do, I began to fall behind on the 20-mile-a-week habit I would have had to keep up in order to make my 1000-mile goal for the year.

I began to make progress on the proof again; then, at the start of the second week of OPLSS, I got a big emotional boost: Ryan and I got official notification that our grant had been funded! This was pretty huge news for me: it meant that my plans for doing a Ph.D. with Ryan were starting to shape up in the way that I had hoped.

By the end of OPLSS, I had managed to isolate and finally really understand the renaming bug. I still hadn't managed to fix it properly, though, so Ryan and I decided to post an incomplete version of our tech report, and I went back to Mountain View with a vow to go back and fix it once my internship was over.

In August, back at Mozilla, I worked furiously to get at least some part of my traits p



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Date tagged:

03/15/2013, 12:21

Date published:

01/06/2013, 21:03