Pretty sweat probe

Lindsey Kuper 2013-03-15


So I got this message on LinkedIn:

Lindsey, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. I came across your Re: [rust-dev]Addressing "the hashtable problem" with type classes.. on the dev list serve. Pretty sweat probe.! - [REDACTED]

By "the dev list serve"1, this person seems to mean the rust-dev mailing list, and they seem to be referring to this post from late June, or this follow-up from early July. That still leaves us with:

Pretty sweat probe.!

Okay, so, first of all, ew. But, more importantly, giving this person the considerable benefit of the doubt and assuming that "Pretty sweat probe.!" means "Pretty sweet problem!", the thing about the aforementioned posts is that they're utterly uninteresting. Their respective contents are "Hey, this code from last December doesn't quite seem to work anymore; would changing so-and-so to thus-and-such fix it?" and "Update: Yes." They're not about a pretty sweet problem; they're about a typo.

I know that sometimes people say strange things, and that I should just let it go. But, dammit, I want to understand. I want to know what this person was thinking. Why'd they pick those posts? Why are they even paying attention to rust-dev? (They've never posted, nor have they shown up anywhere else in the Rust-o-sphere, as far as I can tell.) Their behavior (cold-contacting me on LinkedIn; word choice2) makes them seem like a recruiter, but their profile on LinkedIn indicates that they're a "Software Developer".

I can imagine trying to get someone's attention by mentioning a very specific thing they've been involved with, without much regard to which specific thing. Maybe that's what's going on. But how could someone care enough to use that sophisticated of a strategy, and yet sound this incompetent? Just tryin'a understand, here.

  1. Public service announcement: There is no such thing as a "list serve". LISTSERV is the name of a proprietary mailing list software package and is a registered trademark. I have absolutely no problem with misuse of such trademarks, but c'mon, folks, at least get the spelling right. If you don't want to do that, then just frickin' say "mailing list".
  2. Since 2008, every other email or LinkedIn message that I've received that contains the string "I came across your" (n = 4) has been from a recruiter.


From feeds:

Gudgeon and gist ยป Lindsey Kuper


Date tagged:

03/15/2013, 12:21

Date published:

08/21/2012, 01:06