Call for talk proposals: DSLDI 2016
Lindsey Kuper 2016-05-20
I’m serving on the program committee for this year’s Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation workshop (DSLDI). The workshop will be co-located with SPLASH 2016 in Amsterdam this fall, and we’re accepting talk proposals until August 1.
Quoting from the DSLDI webiste:
Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI) is a workshop intended to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in discussing how DSLs should be designed, implemented, supported by tools, and applied in realistic contexts. The focus of the workshop is on all aspects of this process, from soliciting domain knowledge from experts, through the design and implementation of the language, to evaluating whether and how a DSL is successful. More generally, we are interested in continuing to build a community that can drive forward the development of modern DSLs.
DSLDI will be a discussion-heavy workshop with an interactive format, with short talks to structure the discussion. Furthermore, this year, the workshop is making a point of establishing connections with software engineering and human factors researchers, and the invited speaker, Felienne Hermans, who studies the application of software engineering methods to spreadsheets, was chosen with that goal in mind.
Personally, I don’t know very much about software engineering or HCI research, and I agreed to serve on the DSLDI PC this year specifically so that I could interact with some cool researchers from those areas and learn new things from them. I’m excited to see that the program committee is a mix of names I know and those I don’t, and I’m hoping to see a similar pattern among the submissions.
Talk proposals are two-page abstracts, and the program chairs are encouraging submissions of position papers as well as early results. If you’re interested in DSLs and the above workshop structure sounds like fun to you, please consider submitting a talk proposal!