Call for talk proposals: DSLDI 2017
Lindsey Kuper 2017-06-22
This year, Eric Walkingshaw and I are serving as co-chairs of DSLDI, the Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation workshop, co-located with SPLASH 2017 in beautiful Vancouver, BC. This is my second year being involved with DSLDI, but my first time chairing it.
We’ve put together a great program committee with a wide range of DSL expertise: Nada Amin (Scala-based DSLS, generative programming), Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado (DSLs for model-driven engineering), Eric Holk (high-performance DSLs for parallel computing), Gabriele Keller (high-performance Haskell DSLs), Rebekah Leslie-Hurd (DSLs for hardware verification), Chris Martens (linear-logic-based DSLs for narative generation), Lee Pike (embedded DSLs for safe systems programming), Jonathan Ragan-Kelley (high-performance DSLs for image processing, most notably Halide), Vincent St-Amour (metaprogramming, extensible languages, macros), and Phil Wadler (quoted DSLs, language-integrated query, etc., etc.). I’m looking forward to some engaging and thoughtful PC discussions!
We’re calling for two-page talk proposals, due August 7. DSLDI is an informal, talks-only workshop with no formal proceedings. As noted on the website:
We solicit talk proposals in the form of short abstracts (max. 2 pages). A good talk proposal describes an interesting position, open problem, demonstration, or early achievement. The submissions will be reviewed on relevance and clarity, and used to plan the mostly interactive sessions of the workshop day.
The role of the talks is to facilitate interesting and substantive discussion. Therefore, we welcome and encourage talks that express strong opinions, describe open problems, propose new research directions, and report on early research in progress.
If you’re doing something interesting with DSLs and this kind of workshop sounds like fun to you, please consider submitting a talk proposal.