Words Sylvia can say at eighteen months old

Lindsey Kuper 2019-01-27


One of the coolest things about being a parent is getting to watch my kid learn. I've been meaning for a while to make a list of words she can say, a task that gets harder the longer I put it off. Figuring it was now or never, I finally just took a stab at it with Alex's help. So, here's a list of words we've heard her produce at least once, in a very rough approximation of chronological order, as best as we can remember:

  • dada
  • mama
  • book (well, sort of; we usually read board books just before bedtime, and she'll try to say something like "book, book, book!", but she puts the ending "k" sound first: "kah-boo-kah-boo-kah-boo"</em>. We found this so charming that we started saying it that way, too.)
  • bubble ("buh-baa")
  • bird ("bihd")
  • apple ("appa")
  • door ("doh")
  • up
  • cat ("cah")
  • banana ("nana")
  • cracker ("cah-caa"; also refers to any kind of biscuit, cookie, or bread)
  • uh-oh (a frequent utterance when she or someone else drops something on the floor)
  • cheese ("chee", the food of choice)
  • baby (She loves babies; every baby must be pointed at and its presence must be announced. She also refers to my phone as "baby", because the lock screen is a picture of her.)
  • ball ("bah")
  • no
  • hi
  • bye (usually said about thirty seconds after a person leaving has left)
  • more ("mo")
  • bull ("buh") (Tash had a sculpture of a bull in her house; I think Sylvia has probably forgotten this word now, but I'm sure I've heard her say it while pointing at the sculpture)
  • moon ("moo"; on evening walks home from Tash's place, we'd often see the moon; I would point it out, she'd repeat after me, and before too long, she would be the first to point it out and say "moo")
  • key (she says this every time we get to the front door and I get my key out)
  • Elmo ("Eh-mo"; we've been watching Sesame Street videos since she was quite young, but I don't think she could call any of the characters by name until after we got a book called "Elmo Loves You" when she was about a year old. After reading it out loud to her pretty often for a few months, she started pointing at Elmo and calling him by name. About a week ago, we watched a bunch of Sesame Street on my laptop, including no small amount of Elmo; a few hours later, she amazed me by actually pointing at my closed laptop and saying "Eh-mo!" I mean, yeah, obviously, the salient fact about my laptop is that it's where Elmo comes from. I've been needing a name for this machine, actually...)</p>
  • zip/zipper ("zippah")
  • bus ("buh")
  • airplane ("ay-pain"; she loves pointing them out in the sky, and will announce one's presence even if she can only hear it and not see it)
  • owl ("ow-ah"; she may have seen one in person once at a zoo, but they seem to come up a lot in kids' books; also, she has pajamas with owls on them)
  • light ("lie")
  • on (usually used when pointing at a light switch that she wants to be flipped on)
  • dog (Alex says she used to say "gog", but I don't think I've heard that)
  • nose ("noh")
  • eye
  • "wow!" (I'm not sure if she knows what this means; I think she's just repeated us saying it while looking at something interesting)
  • clock ("caa-cuh", while pointing at a picture of an analog clock in a book)
  • bath ("baah")
  • "rawr!" (the sound that tigers make, of course; she says this every time I point out a picture of a tiger in one of her books and say "tiger". Our theory is that she picked this up from a particular YouTube video of animal sounds that Tash used to show the kids)
  • moo (the sound that cows make, of course)
  • neigh (the sound that horses make, and also the word for horse)
  • diaper ("die-pah")
  • go (in the sense of "let's go!")
  • bike ("bie")
  • head
  • hat (somewhat interchangeable with "head")
  • coat
  • shoe/shoes
  • sock/socks
  • "ssh" (this melted my heart the first time it happened: Alex was trying to sleep, so I said to Sylvia "Let's let Dada sleep", and she put her finger to her lips and said "ssh". She usually says "ssh" now anytime sleeping is mentioned.)
  • frog ("fog", one of her bath toys)
  • duck (another bath toy)
  • lotion ("lo"; she is very excited about lotions and creams, but she doesn't actually want them on her; she just enjoys squeezing them out of the bottle, or trying to wrest the bottle away from a hapless parent while chanting "lo, lo, lo")
  • blimp ("bimp"; there was a Goodyear blimp in the sky over the stadium not far from our house recently, and she was very, very excited about it and wouldn't stop saying "bimp")
  • please ("pease"; she also uses (her own very liberal interpretation of) the ASL sign for "please", which I think Tash taught



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Date tagged:

01/27/2019, 21:45

Date published:

01/26/2019, 16:44