The Goldfinch and the Stewardess

Lingua Franca 2014-07-09


dv2073195The literary world has been engaged in a hearty dialogue over the merits and deficiencies of Donna Tartt’s massive novel The Goldfinch, which spent more than 30 weeks on The New York Times best-seller list. Rave reviews of the book’s range and rich plot have confronted scathing condemnations of its cloying stock characters and overstuffed passages. We won’t rehearse the whole controversy. Let’s home in on a single word usage:

“I was asleep almost before the seat belt light went off—missing d...


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Gudgeon and gist » Lingua Franca


literature style words


Lucy Ferriss

Date tagged:

07/09/2014, 06:00

Date published:

07/09/2014, 00:01