Six Grinnellians Receive Fulbright Assistantships for International Research or Teaching

News Releases 2013-08-14


Grinnell, Iowa

Six Grinnellians will begin international teaching or research assignments this fall with support from Fulbright assistantships.

The prestigious Fulbright international education exchange program is designed to increase mutual understanding between the U.S. and other countries. The program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the U.S. State Department.

"Grinnell's consistently strong representation among students receiving Fulbright awards is evidence of the college's longstanding commitment to service and to international education," said Doug Cutchins, Grinnell's director of social commitment. "We are particularly pleased that this year's Fulbright recipients include two Posse Scholars, Anika Manzoor and Stefanie Kundakjian. By partnering with Posse, Grinnell lives its commitment to ensuring that a stellar liberal arts education is available to students from many different backgrounds. Anika and Stefanie's Fulbright grants are evidence that this partnership works."

Grinnellians and their country assignments for 2013-14 include:

  • Jennifer Brown '12, a Chinese major from Bronxville, N.Y., will teach English in Turkey. 
  • Adam Glassman '13, a theatre and dance major from Dublin, Ohio, received a full grant to pursue performance studies in Seoul, South Korea. 
  • Stefanie Kundakjian '13, a history and Spanish major from Los Angeles, Calif., will teach English in Armenia. 
  • Clara Montague '13 from Skokie, Ill. will teach English in Turkey. Montague majored in English and in gender, women's, and sexuality studies at Grinnell. 
  • Anika Manzoor '13 from Bethesda, Md., will teach English in Malaysia. Manzoor majored in gender, women's, and sexuality studies, with a concentration in global development studies. 
  • Alexa Reynolds '13, a German and history major from Clive, Iowa, accepted an English teaching assistantship in Germany.

About Grinnell College Since its founding in 1846, Grinnell has become one of the nation's premier liberal arts colleges, enrolling 1,600 students from all 50 states and from as many international countries. Grinnell's rigorous academic program emphasizes excellence in education for students in the liberal arts; the college offers the B.A. degree in a range of departments across the humanities, arts and sciences. Grinnell has a strong tradition of social responsibility and action, and self-governance and personal responsibility are key components of campus life. More information about Grinnell College is available at



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adam glassman alexa reynolds anika manzoor clara montague doug cutchins fulbright jennifer brown stefanie kundakjian



Date tagged:

08/14/2013, 06:00

Date published:

08/08/2013, 10:24