Keep Highlighting the New OA Policies
Open Access Now 2013-03-23
Continuing on the topic of “A Highlight of New OA Policies” posted by Chealsye Bowley on March 5th, I am proudly hightlighting more new OA policies that were adopted in the last few weeks.
UNC Greensboro
Passed by a unanimous vote of the library faculty on march 5th 2013, the library faculty at the UNC at Greensboro recognize the vital importance of open-access archiving for the enrichment and expansion of scholarly communication in the Age of the Internet, we adopt the following policy in order to ensure that our research and scholarly works are freely available in perpetuity to the widest possible audience.
View the full text of the policy here.
Allegheny College
Allegheny College faculty passed an Open Access Policy on March 15th. The Faculty of Allegheny College is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, the Faculty adopts the open access policy described here.
University of Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate passed an institutional open-access policy on March 21st. The text of the policy is available here: and will become final when signed by the university president.
Congratulations to the above institutions! UNC Greensboro and Allegheny are currently COAPI members and URI is in the process of joining COAPI! Welcome on board!