White House Continues Push to Open Access to Publicly Funded Research and Data
Open Access Now 2013-05-10
Today, the White house issued an important Executive Order on open data. Acknowledging the public and economic benefits derived from the open availability of government weather and GPS data, the Executive Order mandates all government data, where possible and legally permissible will be open and machine readable. The Order also ensures that “data are released to the public in ways that make the data easy to find, accessible, and usable.” Effectively making Openness the default for government data. According to John Wonderlich of the Sunlight Foundation:
This Order also comes on the heels of an increasingly bright spring for OA advocates. In addition to the White House Directive mandating OA, FASTR and FRPAA, Several state legislatures are considering OA for state funded research. Most recently, the California and New York State legislatures began considering such legislation. COAPI applauds these efforts and signed letters notifying legislators in each state of our support. Residents of these states may consider contacting their representatives.
Read more about the Order here:
Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information