The Choice

Open Access Now 2016-09-03


As Donald Trump's campaign reaches out to African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities he has alienated with his nativist rhetoric, black voters are faced with a choice between two candidates, neither of whom seems to genuinely care about them or their problems.

As Donald Trump’s campaign reaches out to African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities he has alienated with his nativist rhetoric, black voters are faced with a choice between two candidates, neither of whom seems to genuinely care about them or their problems.


From feeds:

Gudgeon and gist » Ted Rall's Rallblog


2016 presidential campaign; african-americans; blacks; minorities; donald trump; hillary clinton; bus; lip service


Ted Rall

Date tagged:

09/03/2016, 14:37

Date published:

08/31/2016, 02:44