You can go too far for Fox News

Open Access Now 2020-04-28

Diamond and Silk have discovered that there is a level of stupidity that can get them booted from the network.

Fox News has cut ties with MAGA vlogging superstars Diamond & Silk, who had contributed original content to the network’s streaming service Fox Nation since shortly after its late 2018 launch.

The sudden split comes after the Trump-boosting siblings have come under fire for promoting conspiracy theories and disinformation about the coronavirus. “After what they’ve said and tweeted you won’t be seeing them on Fox Nation or Fox News anytime soon,” a source with knowledge of the matter told The Daily Beast.

It’s not clear what exactly triggered some Fox executive somewhere. Was it:

  • claiming that coronavirus deaths were exaggerated?
  • arguing that the virus was engineered?
  • suggesting that WHO had a “switch” to turn the virus on and off?
  • claiming that we had to end the isolation to cultivate an immune response?
  • saying that Bill Gates was promoting vaccines for population control? “Abortions! Genocide!”
  • suggesting that 5G towers were used to fill hospitals for their profit?

If Diamond and Silk (the pro wrestling names of Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson) were making the network look bad, what about all those other sycophantic suck-ups like Hannity and Watters and Carlson and Fox & Friends? I don’t think there’s any degree of purging that can rescue the reputation of Fox News anymore.