Confused about campus COVID-19 policies? We can help.
Open Access Now 2022-02-04
By Eleanor Corbin
As the S&B has encountered in our own coverage, the College’s policies and numbers surrounding COVID-19 change constantly and can be difficult to navigate on the Grinnell College website. The S&B will update this page every Friday based on changes in campus protocols and new number
Below are Grinnell Colleges COVID protocols, updated as of Feb. 3:
Students, faculty and staff are required to use N95, KN95 or KF94 masks. Campus is currently at a modified blue activity level.
Current Numbers
Spring Semester Cases:
132 Students
17 Employees
Weekly Numbers:
January 3-9: 18 cases
January 10-16: 45 cases
January 17-23: 43 cases
January 24-30: 5 cases
Marketplace Dining Hall
Marketplace Dining Hall is currently open for eat-in and take-out dining. Students are required to wear masks when navigating the Dining Hall but can take them off when actively eating.
Residence Halls
Students must wear masks in residence halls except when in closed rooms with by themselves or with their roommate(s). Students are also encouraged to socialize and spend most of their social time with their respective pod.
Academic Buildings (The Robert Noyce Science Center, The Humanities and Social Science Center, etc.)
Classes continue masked and in person. Students studying or utilizing the academic buildings must remain masked at all times, even when in a classroom alone. Students who are not able to attend class due to testing positive should talk to their professor about attending remotely.
Eating is not permitted in campus buildings for the time being. Visitors are allowed but must comply with masking rules.
Bear Athletic Center
Students must wear masks when using the Bear, even when exercising. Visitors are allowed but must comply with masking rules
Athletic competitions and games will continue in compliance with NCAA and Midwest Conference guidelines. Masking is required at indoor events for spectators and participants, except for those actively competing.
The Spencer Grill
The Spencer Grill remains open for take-out dining. The seating area at the Grill is currently a masked space.
Vaccination Requirements
Students, faculty and staff are required to be fully vaccinated and to have received the booster. Students should put any relevant vaccine and testing information on their Student Health and Wellness (SHAW) portal.
Procedure for Testing
Students were tested twice upon arrival to campus. Any student who had COVID within the past 90 days was exempt from testing so long as they uploaded proof of a previous positive test to their SHAW portal.
Students who feel mild symptoms can utilize SHAW’s walk-in testing clinic, open Monday-Friday 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. Students experiencing severe symptoms or have been in contact with someone who tested positive should call SHAW (641-269-3230). The college defines contact as “15 minutes or more cumulatively in 24 hours at less than 6 feet while unmasked.” Those who would like a PCR test may request a Test Iowa Kit.
Procedure for Positive Cases
Students who test positive will be isolated in college residences for the CDC recommended five days. Due to volume of cases, some have been isolated in their residence hall. Students should take note of bathrooms that are designated for use by COVID-positive residents only.
For additional information and resources, consult the college’s official COVID-19 Dashboard.