Club Penguin Rewritten Codes – March 2020 – New Updated List
Open Access Now 2022-07-15
Club Penguin Rewritten codes just arrived, we know you all have tried some expired codes and not able to redeem them. We have prepared a list of all active codes and expired codes with their rewards.
With this active codes you will get Golden quilted jacket, slippers, a laptop, and Hoodies.
Club Penguin Rewritten Codes – 8th March 2021
CodesRewardsHELLOMARCH5000 Coins, a Golden Quilted Jacket, and Green Bunny SlippersONLINESAFETYLaptopFREEHOOD2free Greeb Crosshatched HoodieFREEHOODfree UK HoodieClub Penguin Rewritten Expired Codes – 8th March 2021
If there is any code you are unable to redeem, then please check out our list of expired codes. And if you got the code in the list, then please redeem all other codes as soon as possible before that also got expired.
CodesRewardszTy3Mhm8d Access to three items from the treasure book30KCOINS 30,000 coinsCARDJITSU3003 Five Card-Jitsu CardsCARDDECK Five Card-Jitsu CardsONLINESAFETY LaptopFREEHOOD2Green Crosshatched HoodieHIDDENPUFFLE Puffle WhistleFREEHOOD UK HoodieCLUBPENGUIN15 rewardTHEFAIR20Tie Dye Shirt, Caramel Apple, and 20,000 CoinsR6RKN4YNY ScrubsAY3T2S2ND Puffle Care SashM44YJRX8T Puffle Care CapEARTHDAY20 Rock-Hopper Costume, Snow Leopard Costume, and Elephant CostumeEASTERBUNNY Yellow Bunny Slippers & 2,000 CoinsBROWNHAT20 Brown Skater HatCHACHING 1,000 coinsCOFFEEAP Coffee ApronFIELDOPS EPF SuitREDHOCKEY Red Hockey JerseyBLUEHOCKEY Blue Hockey Jersey50KPENGUINS Beta Grid Sweater100KPENGUINS Blue Skater HatHAPPYEASTER Green Bunny SlippersWORLDPENGUIN Blue Crosshatched Hoodie and 1000 coins10KFOLLOWERS Black Diva Shades and 100 coinsBUILDERS Hard Hat and Safety VestCOVEPARTY Water WingsMUSICJAM MP3000REDKEYTAR KeytarSUMMERLEI Island LeiCARDJITSU Stone Ninja SuitVIDEOGAME Blue Lei1MILLION Ocean Blue, Beta Hat T-Shirt, and 2,000 coinsCPBIRTHDAY Party Hat T-ShirtSUITUPEPF Elite Body ArmorONEYEARUS Glowing Grid Jacket2MILLION Sunset Lei and 1000 coinsMUSICJAM18 White Electric Guitar and 1000 coinsMJ18HOODIE Black Penguin Band HoodieCONGRATS1 5,000 coinsREDVSBLUE1 Go Red Background and Go Blue BackgroundFALLFAIR18 Tie Dye ShirtAPPLEFAIR18Candy Apple and 500 coinsCJDEVCAST18 Five Card-Jitsu CardsDEVCAST18 1st Anniversary Hat ShirtHALLOWEEN18 Green Spider CostumeCARDFIRE Five Card-Jitsu CardsXMASDAY18 Candycane ScarfANNIVERSARY2 2nd Anniversary Hat T-ShirtREDNOSEDAY19 Red NoseSTRAWBERRY1 Strawberry Costume, Very Cherry Background, and 500 CoinsORANGEPODS Orange MP3000CANADA19 Red Ski Goggles and 500 CoinsFUNFAIR19 Stuffed Bunny and 500 CoinsMILESTONE20 eReaderTHREEYEARS 3rd Anniversary Hat T-Shirt and 3000 coinsPINKSHIRT20 Pink Polo Shirt and 1000 coinsPOTOGOLD Pot O’Gold and 1000 coinsTIMESISSUE150 Newspaper HatClub Penguin Rewritten Codes – Card Jitsu
CodesRewardsr3vUeNjR (june 3, 2018)limit 100uYd4sH1E (june 4, 2018) limit 250KsSHkJys (june 5, 2018) limit 250jpNgtqVK (june 6, 2018)limit 400xZpeHfPA (june 7, 2018)limit 400xCwfbngH (june 8, 2018)limit 400gmKyntGW (june 9, 2018)limit 500jfH5gxtQJ (september 23, 2018)limit 50YD5grZwjF (september 23, 2018)limit 50pq9NBp7fn (september 23, 2018)limit 50dCtc8jdDU (september 23, 2018) limit 508SUMzynD3 (september 23, 2018) – limit 50limit 50Question: Club Penguin Rewritten Codes – How to Redeem?
- First, Go on the page –
- Now look for the Unlock Items Online icon, which is placed on the top right corner of the screen.
- Now, choose your favorite penguin you want to redeem the reward.
- Log in with your password.
- Click on the ” I have code” option.
- Now copy codes from the above active codes list, and paste here.
- Press the “Done” button and enjoy a reward.
Roblox – Fire Fighter Tycoon Codes – New Updated List
Club Penguin Tricks:
Rockhopper’s Friendship Bracelet – How to get it?
To get Rockhopper’s Friendship Bracelet, go to “Book Room” and click on the bookshelf. Now open the Rockhopper and the Stowaway” book. This book needs to be done from start to end, in order to get the Bracelet.
Hidden Headphones Pin
In-order to get hidden Headphone Pin, you should go to the “Dance Club”, and you will find purple Headphone Pin there.
The post Club Penguin Rewritten Codes – March 2020 – New Updated List appeared first on Simulator Codes.