Taking a fresh look at our strategy
Peer to Peer University 2024-05-14

P2PU is working on a strategy refresh and we would like to hear from you. Peer learning and community remain at the forefront of our work and we want to make sure that our community is a part of this strategy refresh. There are three ways for you to get involved and make sure your voice is heard:
#1 Complete our Madlib Survey (5 min)
A quick and fun way to let us know a little bit more about you, your organization, what you’re working on and what would help you be successful in your goals. Complete the Madlib. Here is a sneak peak of our unpaid Intern’s Madlib:

My name is Quinn Alexander and I work at the Toddler’s Public Library and my position is chief tormentor. The Toddler’s Public Library serves rambunctious parents and their adventurous toddlers. Our goal is to teach toddlers how to keep their parents in line, through tantrums and confusion tactics. Personally I’m just here for the candy . All I want to do is run through the streets yelling; I just need some candy and a 5 minute nap to make my dreams come true.
#2 Schedule a one on one or team to team chat (30 min)
We would love to talk to you one on one to hear about your goals, what you’re working on and How P2PU can support you in achieving those goals. You can use this link to chat with us for 30 mins.
# 3 Join us for a convening of Community Members
Join us for a virtual convening to gather with other community members where we can share ideas, workshop solutions or potential collaborations with P2PU and the larger community.
P2PU Community Convening (RSVP), Thursday, May 23 · 1:00 – 2:00pm EDT
In the meantime you can reach us at thepeople@p2pu.org We hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Q and Dirk