It’s Video Wednesday…
Peer to Peer University 2013-03-15
We’re totally overwhelmed with all the great new videos coming out of our community at the moment. You guys are just astounding. And while it may be a bit to take in all at once, we thought it would be good to share them. So grab some popcorn, shut the door, hunker down, and spend some quality time with peer-learning teevee…
First up, we have what Philipp calls “a really neat” (he’s been in the US too long) panel discussion between Joi and Mimi Ito (facilitated by Mitch Resnick) on interest-based learning. It is part of the Learning Creative Learning course we’re running in conjunction with MIT Media Lab and is pretty groovy:
Next up, in this cornucopia of online joy is the recording of Billy Meinke’s chat with William Gunn from Mendeley. If you didn’t know, Billy is interning at our friends and partners Creative Commons, and is running the brilliant Open Science Sprint event for Open Data Day on Feb 23rd. You should join in. It will probably make you smarter.
Finally, when you’re all totally inspired and ready to learn, learn, learn, why not think about doing some teaching too? Karen Fasimpaur, the stalwart, sterling superstar behind the School of Ed has made this video to big up the School for Open Ed week. It’s pretty great.
Now stop watching TV and go learn something!