Empowering Volunteers in Kenya
Peer to Peer University 2017-09-28
Empowering Volunteers to Lead Peer To Peer Program. Presented By Joseck Kweya Olala & Purity Kavuri Mutuku from the Kenya National Library Service
What is Volunteering
NCVO ( 2013) volunteering is someone who spends time, unpaid accomplishing a certain task or duty with the aim of benefiting someone that they are not closely related.
What are Empowered Volunteers?
Empowering is giving the volunteers responsibility along with authority and resources to accomplish their mission
Who can volunteer?
- Learning Circle beneficiaries
- University/College Students
- Youth/gang groups leaders
- Library users
- School Leavers
- School Dropouts
- Opinion leaders
How can you empower volunteers?
Understand what it means to be a volunteer
- Be appreciative of their time
- eliminate their frustrations
- Give up some control-delegate
- Allow them to work-take their ideas and transform them into a task.
- Guide their effort and supply their resources –e.g. internet, Laptop, projector, pen, flip charts etc.
Motivate yourself to motivate
- Others-motivation is contiguous. Volunteers will learn from you
- Show enthusiasm/interact with them
- Be friendly and open to dialogue with them
- Meet frequently with the volunteers
- Be a good listener
- Concern and respect their opinion
- Recognize their effort
- Say thank you
- Drop a thank you note, an email or a telephone call
- Recognize them during the meetings/gathering
Benefits of empowering
- Create a greater impact in the communities
- Add credibility to the peer program
- It’s a competitive world out there and other professionals are doing it. Can we afford not to?
- Assist you to plan for the future/ focus further
- Reach more people
- They support facilitators to achieve the objectives and mission of both learning Circles and your institution
- Raise the awareness about learning circle to the community
- Promote community engagement and partnership
- Promote lifelong reading habits
Common pitfalls to avoid
- Lack of clarity
- Poor timing
- Targeting the wrong group
- Inappropriate communication methods (Gestures, body movement, lack of consultation)
What can I do if my Volunteers do not become empowered?
- Take it slow
- Remember you are developing leaders
- Dialogue
- Change your approach
- Consult others
Success Story
- More learning circles
- More participants
- Increased library patronage
- Improved library visibility
- Boosted staff morale library has become more vibrant
- Inspired leaders
- Empowered community
- Promotion of National Cohesion and Peace
Contact information
- Joseck.olala@knls.ac.ke , +254708392651
- Purity.kavuri@knls.ac.ke , +254721286389