The P2PU welcoming committee
Peer to Peer University 2020-07-15

While learning circles are happening in-person around the world (maybe not right now), these aren’t the only communities that we are fostering. Part of what we’re building with learning circles is a global community of facilitators that share their lessons and best practices.
Over the last two years, a small group of facilitators have been copied on the email that facilitators receive when they create a new learning circle. This email introduces the facilitator to the larger community and is a place where experienced facilitators can help.
This is what that email looks like:
Since the number of new learning circles has increased, we’ve made a few changes to the process.
Going forward, the welcoming committee will only be copied on the email when the facilitator fills out the optional question asking if there is anything that we can help them with (see image below). If the facilitator is part of a team, their team organizer will also be copied on all new learning circle emails. Likewise, P2PU will remain copied on all emails, enabling us to reach out to new facilitators and help make connections where appropriate.
We want to make sure that you have what you need to run a successful learning circle. When you create your next learning circle, feel free to ask for help. And if you’re an experienced facilitator and wish to help others, contact us to let us know you’d like to join the welcoming committee.
Header image CC-BY bob5d