Peer to Peer University 2023-09-18

Over the last 2 months I [Q] have taken on the new role of Interim Executive Director of Peer 2 Peer University which is exciting and a little scary. I have always enjoyed learning and I believe that if people could learn more they could do more and be empowered to make meaningful changes to the world they live in. P2PUs core values of Peer Learning, Community, Open resources and Equity are a great framework that align with my own ideals for how learning can benefit everyone and I have been excited to be a part of it since 2017. P2PU is more than its staff its a global community of people wanting to learn and support the learning of others. Through this work we have seen people take charge of their learning in unique ways from working through how to talk about race in Rhode Island to making liquid soap in Uganda. I am very proud to continue to be a part of the P2PU community and to support the growth of meaningful peer based learning experiences for all.
We thank both Grif and Lydian for the parts they played in making P2PU and learning circles what it is today! As a small organization we are always evolving, so keep an eye out on the newsletter and blog for updates on this new chapter of P2PU.
Below is a message from Grif:
It’s with very mixed emotions that I write my final blog post at P2PU. Reflecting on my time here, I’m left feeling that a good tagline for P2PU could be “come for the pedagogy, stay for the people” — while I was initially drawn to P2PU for the unique way the organization brought together the physical and digital worlds to create meaningful learning environments, 8+ years later it’s my colleagues and the community who are keeping me learning and growing both personally and professionally.
I’m grateful that P2PU and learning circles have opened so many doors for me, both metaphorically and literally: thank you to everybody who has welcomed me into their library, home, and community center to share our ideas and learn together.
While it’s hard to leave, I’m very excited for my colleague Q, who is taking over as interim ED at P2PU. Q has been part of P2PU as a learner, a facilitator, a community member, a contractor, and an employee, and I can’t frankly think of a better person to double down on what P2PU does best and continue to evolve the organization.
Going forward, you can find me over at froghouse, where I’ll be advocating for many of the same values and beliefs that drew me to P2PU in the first place. I’m excited to graduate into my role as a community member, and will forever be on the sidelines cheering P2PU on.
So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everybody who volunteered their time, perspective, and energy to contribute to P2PU during my time here. So long, and thanks for all the fish.