Home Sweet Home

Scarlet & Black 2016-11-15


Hillary Clinton lost yet another campaign that she seemed pre-destined to win. American democracy is on the ropes. The president elect is already facing nationwide protest. But for Hillary, there's no place like home.

Hillary Clinton lost yet another campaign that she seemed predestined to win. American democracy is on the ropes. The president-elect is already facing nationwide protests. But for Hillary, there’s no place like home.



From feeds:

Gudgeon and gist » Ted Rall's Rallblog


chappaqua; new york; home; house; hillary clinton; defeat; lost; election; 2016 presidential election; server; private server; email scandal


Ted Rall

Date tagged:

11/15/2016, 01:30

Date published:

11/14/2016, 02:55