Snowden Stays in Russia. The US Loses.
Scarlet & Black 2013-07-12
Machiavelli counseled that one should always give his enemy a graceful out, a means of escape that preserves his dignity and allows him to live decently after his defeat. Never box anyone in. A cornered animal has no choice but to bite.
Machiavelli’s advice is worth remembering in light of breaking news that Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, has been forced to accept political asylum in Russia.
From the standpoint of United States, and its intelligence agencies in particular, there could be no worst possible outcome. Never doubt for a moment that the FSB is about to get its claws on those five laptops full of NSA intelligence files that he’s been lugging around. It would’ve been far smarter for the US to allow Snowden to make his way to Venezuela or Ecuador or Bolivia.
Between VP Joe Biden’s phone calls to Latin American leaders sucking up to them while threatening them, scrambling air-traffic control networks all over Europe to block the flight of the president of Bolivia on the off chance that he might be trying to spirit Snowden away from Moscow, and the threat of trade sanctions and diplomatic problems to any country that would consider taking him in, the United States’ diplomatic offensive has been relentless and thuggish.
Some cultural historians attribute America’s general approach – crushing enemies with ruthless efficiency – to our Anglo-Saxon heritage. I don’t know if there’s any truth to that or not, but there’s no denying that we use a sledgehammer when something a little bit more subtle would plainly be more effective. Here is yet another example.