Logging on to the fall semester

Scarlet & Black 2020-09-14

With two weeks of the fall semester under their belt, students have had mixed experiences with virtual learning. The S&B’s Nadia Langley reached out to several students and asked what it’s like to connect with fellow Grinnellians through their screens. 

Ayan Rahman ’24

Brooklyn, New York

Photo contributed by Ayan Rahman.

“Shifting to Grinnell’s online learning model was amazing. The term system has allowed me to place focus on two classes at a time and really engage in learning core concepts of each class. Things are well structured, aside from the minor inevitable glitches, and I feel like my experience is emulating in-person learning as closely as possible.”

Khondamir Imomnazarov ’23

Dallas, Texas

Photo contributed by Khondamir Imomnazarov

“The pace of the term is hectic and exhausting. All my non-study time is devoted to eating and catching up on sleep. I didn’t manage to make time for exercise in the last 3 days. The second week of F1 feels like a midterm week of a normal semester. I am afraid of the weeks to come.”

Paula Maria Persiani ’22

Off-campus, Grinnell

Photo contributed by Paula Maria Persiani.

“The most difficult part of online learning, specifically in a language class, for me, is the questions and discussion. When you are face to face with your teacher, they can hear the phrases in a more complete sense and are able to grasp what you are trying to say. I also get anxious answering a question and seeing my face on the screen.”

Marnie Monogue ’21

Off-campus, Grinnell

Photo contributed by Marnie Monogue.

“I miss being in a classroom where discussions can flow more organically. But I also really like being able to literally roll out of bed, log in to WebEx, and go to class in my pajamas without anyone knowing.”

Ahon Gooptu ’21

Off-campus, Grinnell

Photo contributed by Ahon Gooptu.

“More than anything else, I appreciate the ease of snacking on Flaming Hot Cheetos, leftovers from last night, even ice cream, whenever I want.”

Lucas Chamberland ’21

Off-campus, Grinnell

LucasPhoto contributed by Lucas Chamberland.

“Typically, I’m involved in a multitude of groups around campus, and I feel like my social life has dropped off the deep end without them! So, classes are generally pleasant, and working from home is comfy, but without friends and activities it can be a bit lonesome.”