Seth Taylor, Editor-in-Chief

Scarlet & Black 2021-05-16

Like most journalists, I’m extremely disinterested in my own story, so I’m going to skip right to what I really want to say, which is thank you.

Thank you to everyone who reads The S&B. It’s truly humbling to know that the paper holds a place in so many people’s lives.

Thank you to everyone who worked for The S&B this year and every year. You’re all so fiercely talented, dedicated individuals, and I’m thankful to have worked alongside people who made me and the paper better every single day.

And thank you to everyone who submitted, grudgingly, to one of my interview requests over the last years. I am eternally grateful for your time and your stories.

This was not the senior year I had imagined, but I’m comforted knowing just how important The S&B’s work has been and will continue to be, and it’s been an honor to be a small part of that. Grinnell is such a wonderful place to tell stories. You’ve all got so much to say, and you say it so well. Your passion made my job easy.

Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep being your passionate selves.