White House to Highlight Open Science “Champions of Change”

SPARC - Full Feed 2013-06-20


"On Thursday, June 20th, the White House will honor 13 leaders and organizations promoting and using open scientific data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. As entrepreneurs, academics, and researchers, these Champions of Change have made an impact across disciplines – from archeology to biomedical research, and from the humanities to astronomy. At the event, these Champions will highlight initiatives that are helping make 'open' the default in scientific research. Open sharing of research results is a proven strategy for driving positive change. For example, the rapid and open sharing of genomic data from the Human Genome Project revolutionized biomedical research, and spurred major growth in the biotechnology industry. Additionally,the Federal Government’s liberation of Global Positioning 
System (GPS) satellite data for use by the private sector led to an explosion of geospatial information systems and the creation of many companies, smartphone apps, and car navigation systems.The White House Champions of Change program was created as part of President Obama’s Winning the Future initiative. Through this program, the White House 
highlights individuals, businesses, and organizations whose extraordinary stories and accomplishments positively impact our communities.To watch this event live, visit www.whitehouse.gov/live at 1:00 pm ET on June 20th. To 
learn more about the White House Champions of Change program, visit www.whitehouse.gov/champions."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com
Gudgeon and gist » SPARC - Full Feed


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Date tagged:

06/20/2013, 08:37

Date published:

06/20/2013, 04:37