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There is currently 1 tag prefixed with h. in use in this hub.
There is currently 1 tag prefixed with pdday. in use in this hub.
There is currently 1 tag prefixed with openmedia. in use in this hub.
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- 33
- oa.mandates 22
- oa.funders 21
- oa.comment 20
- oa.usa 17
- 17
- oa.legislation 14
- 13
- oa.sparc 11
- oa.universities 10
- oa.colleges 10
- oa.business_models 9
- oa.advocacy 9
- oa.publishers 8
- oa.ostp 8
- oa.fastr 8
- oa.obama_directive 8
- oa.repositories 7
- oa.embargoes 7
- oa.announcement 7
- oa.libraries 6
- oa.librarians 6
- 6
- oa.california 6
- oa.policies 5
- oa.journals 4
- 4
- oa.petitions 4
- 4
- oa.access2research 4
- oa.guerrilla 4
- oa.government 3
- oa.elsevier 3
- oa.open_science 3
- 3
- oa.impact 3
- 3
- oa.litigation 3
- oa.prices 3
- oa.fees 3
- 3
- oa.profits 3
- oa.debates 3
- oa.altmetrics 3
- oa.jstor 3
- oa.licensing 2
- oa.negative 2
- oa.copyright 2
- oa.societies 2
- oa.costs 2
- oa.quality 2
- oa.event 2
- oa.books 2
- oa.aap 2
- oa.wellcome 2
- oa.floss 2
- oa.rcuk 2
- oa.funds 2
- oa.economics_of 2
- oa.economic_impact 2
- oa.usda 2
- oa.illinois 2
- oa.aarons_law 2
- 2
- oa.medicine 1
- oa.psi 1
- 1
- oa.ssh 1
- oa.nih 1
- oa.south 1
- oa.plos 1
- 1
- 1
- oa.peer_review 1
- oa.crowd 1
- oa.consultations 1
- oa.oer 1
- oa.metrics 1
- oa.presentations 1
- oa.social_media 1
- oa.twitter 1
- oa.humanities 1
- oa.libre 1
- oa.sustainability 1
- oa.prestige 1
- oa.courseware 1
- oa.nasa 1
- oa.agriculture 1
- oa.infrastructure 1
- 1
- oa.lay 1
- oa.u.kansas 1
- oa.un 1
- oa.rankings 1
- oa.biomedicine 1
- oa.benefits 1
- oa.harvard.u 1
- oa.budgets 1
- oa.unesco 1
- 1
- oa.aip 1
- 1
- oa.peer-review 1
- oa.doe 1
- oa.nsf 1
- oa.facebook 1
- oa.publishing 1
- 1
- oa.clir 1
- 1
- oa.nitle 1
- oa.neh 1
- oa.guides 1
- oa.mla 1
- oa.mendeley 1
- oa.pmc 1
- oa.citeulike 1
- oa.slideshare 1
- oa.f1000 1
- oa.misunderstandings 1
- oa.new_york 1
- oa.orcid 1
- oa.knowledge_exchange 1
- oa.press_release 1
- oa.food_security 1
- oa.usaid 1
- oa.virginia_tech 1
- oa.oregon_state.u 1
- oa.hackathons 1
- oa.impactstory 1
- oa.monographs 1
- oa.u.north_texas 1
- oa.virgrnia_tech 1
- oa.educopia_institute 1
- oa.scienceseeker 1
- oa.foldit 1
- oa.scienceonline 1
- oa.doc 1
- oa.live_chat 1
- oa.north_dakota 1
- oa.ny 1
- oa.mfarm 1
- oa.nd 1
- oa.netchoice 1
- asme 1
- oa.euro_pmc 1
- 1
- oa.medical_humanities 1
- oa.libre_platform 1