Racket v6.7
The Racket Blog 2016-10-30
Racket version 6.7 is now available from http://racket-lang.org/
- Racket supports building graphical applications on Android through the racket-android project: https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-android
- The Racket REPL comes with line-editing, command and result history, and various meta-commands out of the box, via the racket/interactive module. See the racket/interactive and xrepl documentation for details.
- The package system supports authentication when installing packages from git, using the raco pkg config git-checkout-credentials configuration option.
- HTTP libraries, as well as raco pkg, support proxying via HTTP CONNECT.
- Typed Racket provides typed versions of racket/os and racket/db/sqlite.
- The PLT_COMPILED_FILE_CHECK environment variable provides more fine-grained control over when .zo files are consulted.
- The documentation search supports searching for #langs and #readers via the "L:" and "R:" search prefixes.
- The file/glob module implements globbing for path-strings.
- Optimizations in the bytecode compiler improve performance for structure, list, string, and byte-string operations.