Friday Five: Links to take you to the weekend in style

Underlying Logic 2013-03-15

A little early this week, as I'll be offline tomorrow: Harold McGee offers the most striking contribution to the turkey technique conversation I've seen in a long time. (My solution to the problem that the breast is always overcooked? Let the rest of the family eat it.) Take your David Foster Wallace jauntily from 1987 or elegiacally from 2008. Steel your heart before clicking. Michael Lewis on the end of the boom; this is an essential supplement to Liar's Poker and probably worthwhile if you haven't read LP. Here's an unusually interesting entry on the groundbreaking blog of Paul DePodesta, the GM of the Padres, about the decisions regarding Brian Giles and Trevor Hoffman in the offseason. And I can't quite leave politics behind yet: the cotton vote.