Friday Five: Links to take you to the weekend in style
Underlying Logic 2013-03-15
I love The Eyeballing Game. (From Kottke.) My first score was 3.20. Second, 2.92. Third, 2.64. These days, who doesn't need a concise encyclopedia of economics written by bigshot economists? TED brings us a charming story by John Hodgman Malcolm Gladwell on big ideas--I'm especially interested in the distinction between artistic and scientific genius and what that distinction means for, say, a liberal arts college making a huge move in the direction of interdisciplinarity Also via Kottke (sorry, but you gotta see this!), a lovely photo set of Obama on the trail. "I loved that he cleaned up after himself before leaving an ice cream shop in Wapello, Iowa. He didn't have to. The event was over and the press had left. He is used to taking care of things himself and I think this is one of the qualities that makes Obama different from so many other political candidates I've encountered. Nov. 7, 2007."