Urðr is not happy

Pharyngula 2024-05-31

The black widows I adopted yesterday are taking their time to adjust. Here’s one of them:

Both of the females have scurried up to the highest point in their respective cages, and are roosting sullenly there, and are totally immobile this morning. I can tell they were active in the night because they’ve both constructed loose nests of silk, but are otherwise inactive today.

The male has disappeared from sight. I think he’s lurking in the moss.

You can tell how laid back these spiders are. I popped the lid off Urðr’s cage, flipped it upside down, and fussed about for several minutes trying to get a decent picture (that bright orange lid is not helping), and she didn’t so much as twitch. It was the perfect opportunity for a jailbreak, and she just quietly meditated.