
Pharyngula 2024-06-10

I got a small surprise yesterday. A week and a half ago, I got a couple of black widows and got them set up in nice containers. Yesterday, Verðandi made a lovely fat egg sac. Yay!

This raises a few problems, though. Mary is mostly arachnophilic, but I’ve noticed she’s a bit nervous about Latrodectus, and tends to quickly leave the room when I open up the cages. They have a bad reputation. The bigger problem is that the containers I have them in are open and fairly airy, and while the adults can’t escape, little baby spiderlings could slip right through the ventilation openings.

So this morning I’m going to have to do a prisoner transfer, moving them from the relatively low security home confinement, to a more secure containment in my lab. I’ll post photos later.