Fridays are not working for me
Pharyngula 2025-02-14
At the beginning of the semester, I was pleased to see that I had no classes on Friday, and I looked forward to several months of 3 day weekends.
Work expands to fill the time allotted for it. I spent my day a) cleaning up the basement mealworm colony b) cooking, preparing meals to last a few days, c) opening up the fly lab and feeding the residents of the spider lab, d) taking care of probate stuff (I’m still bogged down in legal stuff), e) and then spent all afternoon composing genetics problems. I made the mistake of asking the students what they wanted and they told me they all wanted more practice problems, so now I spend a day each week putting together practice problems, which entails making an answer key with explanations. Oh boy.
This weekend I have to work on a couple of lectures. But I’m also planning to go out with my wife to the movies on Monday. I hope Paddington in Peru is good, because that’s our only choice.
I’m never trusting the promise of a day off ever again.