Flu brain
Pharyngula 2025-02-19
I’m feeling better today. At least my gut has stopped spasming, and I don’t feel like I have curl into a fetal ball and dream about dying. I haven’t had the flu in about 5 years, I realized, thanks to all the sensible masking we’ve been doing, but when it finally sneaks past your defenses, it’s going to get it’s revenge.
I went back to work today, but it was a terrible mistake. I have a bad case of flu brain — I was stuttering through my lectures, making stupid mistakes in calculations, at one point I just froze and couldn’t think of a word. I was embarrassingly bad. A substantial part of the problem, I think, was that I haven’t eaten in two days, on top of a terrible sleep schedule. But I have no appetite at all! I’m going to have to force myself to eat something, and go to be early, and hope I’m at at least 90% functioning tomorrow.