Physiognomy tells me this man is the village idiot

Pharyngula 2025-02-22

Niall Gooch is a very Christian man. He writes for the Spectator, a conservative British news weekly, but he also publishes in the Catholic Herald and in Premier Christianity. He must be a good Christian, right?

It’s amazing how much crime could be prevented by something as simple as a physiognomy check at the border. Simple basic science, easily taught to everyone, we just refuse to use it.

Who needs evidence, trials, lawyers, and juries? Just break out the calipers.

But really, I haven’t seen anyone discussing physiognomy as an indicator of behavior in ages (I don’t read Quillette). OK, though, if it’s a simple science (not that Niall Gooch has any knowledge of science) and anyone can do it, let’s try it.

This is Niall Gooch.

Diagnosis, anyone?

I’m going to say…gormless dweeb, not very bright but with a lot of unfounded confidence, not to be trusted with information or the dissemination thereof, shouldn’t be allowed outside the border of a small village.

Honest, I inferred that entirely from his face, not all from the stupidity of what he writes.