The hateful loons are gathering in Austin this month

Pharyngula 2025-03-03

The eugenicists are back, and they’re having a big splendiferous conference in Austin, Texas this month. It’s called the Natalism Conference, and their theme is that women must have more babies, or we’ll go extinct. Which is not true, by the way — a population that has constant, unlimited growth is going to exceed the carrying capacity of the environment, and is going to crash hard. But OK, this is a conference about reproduction by people who don’t understand biology.

It’s a two day event, and they have 27 ‘speakers’. Actually, it’s a mob of sensationalist, narcissistic weirdos who are going to be disappointed to discover they aren’t the center of attention, and that they will be competing for the spotlight with even freakier people who will be capering and gibbering in their short slice of time on the stage. On the roster are:

Sargon of Akkad. I thought his 15 minutes were up a long time ago.

Razib Khan. Yeah, sorry, he’s got legit academic credentials, but he uses them to push race science.

Scott Yenor. If your mission is to get women to have more babies, why invite this guy who wants to deny education and voting rights to women…oh, wait, that tracks.

Robin Hanson. America’s Creepiest Economist.

Geoffrey Miller. Evolutionary Psychologist who loves the idea of selecting babies for their IQ.

Malcolm and Simone Collins. Silicon Valley neofascists.

Most of the people on the schedule are total unknowns to me, but I think it’s safe to assume that they’re all right-wing assholes. The Guardian has a more thorough breakdown, and it looks like my assumption is valid.

I must admit I’d like to see this guy perform. He adds a certain luster to the lineup.

Sadly, “babygravy9” is not his real name. He has been outed, and his actual legal name is Charles Cornish-Dale.

Cornish-Dale is a figurehead of the rightwing bodybuilding scene, and has been a keen promoter of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. He had nevertheless lived with his mother in sleepy south Dorset during the entirety of his career as a rightwing influencer, according to Hope Not Hate.

Guy, you’ve got to get out of your mother’s basement if you hope to repopulate the world!