Lewis’s Law confirmed again
Pharyngula 2014-09-22
You’ve seen Emma Watson’s speech to the UN. Go ahead, watch it again. It’s worth it, and it’ll highlight the contrast with 4chan’s reaction to it.
Members of 4chan’s b board lost their very minds over this, and embarked on a campaign against Watson almost immediately.
So far, this has included a threat to release hacked nude pictures of her in the manner that other celebrity photos have been leaked over the past two months–complete with a sad little countdown website titled Emma You Are Next. Although this is almost definitely a hoax, it is an incredibly sick one.
It gets sicker.
In addition to this, b board members are attempting to get #RIPEmmaWatson trending on Twitter, along with incredibly disturbing fake news website pictures announcing that the actress was found dead in a hotel room.
There are also the usual misogynistic comments.
It is real and going to happen this weekend. That feminist bitch Emma is going to show the world she is as much of a whore as any woman.
How do members of 4chan manage to hold on to their own pride? Do they all feel a deep shame at their participation, and refuse to admit their association in public?