Seattle is a great city!

Pharyngula 2016-05-14

Except for a few men trying to spoil it all. They have a woman-majority city council–which voted against buying a plot of land for a sports arena. I approve — sportsball is fine, but let the fans and teams pay for it, instead of letting wealthy team owners mooch off the public teat. But guess how some people reacted?

In hundreds of email messages and social media posts, the female Council members were attacked by people — practically all apparently men — who said they lacked intelligence and an understanding of the importance of sports because they are women. One Twitter poster simply used a four-letter graphic insult to define them. Another man, in a signed email, suggested they should all kill themselves and “rot in hell.” Other critics, in less violent but equally demeaning terms, addressed them as “ladies,” who should “go back to the kitchen.”

Disappointingly, I am totally unsurprised.

Someday, I could imagine myself retiring to somewhere near Seattle, but it won’t be the sportsball teams that draw me there…and the sportsball fans are likely to repel me.