I survived the asteroid! And the first day of classes!
Pharyngula 2022-01-18
It wasn’t much of a surprise that I emerged from the lab and the Earth was still here. Maybe a little disappointing, but I’ve come to expect that.
Class wasn’t that bad, I put on a performance worthy of Sir Lawrence Olivier, or possibly Soupy Sales, and managed to put on a convincing, I think, façade of enthusiasm and optimism that may have fooled the students. It helped that they were an earnest and cheerful bunch, too, but maybe we’re all pretending deep down inside. Now it’s just a matter of repeating the act over and over until I die.Like tomorrow. And the day after. And endless days stretching into eternity.
Nah, it wasn’t that bad. I’ll probably get through the term without collapsing into a sobbing wreck. I got one day done!