Cartoon: ExTrumpAganza!

Comics 2016-05-14


Now that Donald Trump is in charge of the Republican Party and apparently already has a “mandate,” let’s imagine what the Republican convention in Cleveland will look like. This isn’t going to be a gauzy Mitt Romney, pack-the-stage-with-minorities-and-feature-the-up-and-coming-party-leaders sort of convention. Something tells me the Republican Party and Trump won’t make nice-nice and have an entirely normal nominee/party relationship.

Trump is clearly not the usual sort of calculating candidate who instantly pivots to become more moderate once the nomination is sewn up. If the Republicans wanted their wildcard maverick outsider, they got him! Even though it looks like The Donald will have the nomination in hand before Cleveland, there is still plenty of opportunity for fights, fireworks and Republican disaster.  

Will Ted Cruz go quietly? He’s got nearly 600 delegates who are pledged to vote for him and they haven’t been released by Lucifer just yet. What about sponsorship? Will corporate sponsors like Coke, Pepsi and Walmart happily kick in their usual convention dough for a multi-day Trump fest? The main event is just beginning, yikes. Enjoy the cartoon and remember to check out my Patreon page, where you can help support my work and get goodies in return!


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Authors: (Mark Fiore)

Date tagged:

05/14/2016, 15:53

Date published:

05/13/2016, 09:50