You might want to tune into Atheists Talk radio this morning

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (updated daily) 2016-11-13

It’s at 9am Central time (you remembered to adjust your clocks, right?), and this week Atheists Talk radio features Geeks Without God to mock Ray Comfort and his new ‘movie’, The Atheist Delusion. They’re going to have to work hard to top the hilarity of Matt Barber’s serious review of the movie, though.

I mean it when I say “The Atheist Delusion” is the most persuasive and captivating answer to atheist questions I’ve ever seen on film. Without giving too much away, let me just say that non-believers and believers alike will be moved emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. I have no doubt that many who claim atheism at the beginning of the film, will be left well on their way to admitting His existence and infinite glory toward film’s end.

Geeks Without God can meet that challenge, I’m sure. Unless Minnesota’s atheist comedian/podcasting group was converted to Christianity by the movie.