Saturday is for cheap love

The Comics Curmudgeon 2024-11-09

Comics Curmudgeon readers! Do you love this blog and yearn for a novel written by its creator? Well, good news: Josh Fruhlinger's The Enthusiast is that novel! It's even about newspaper comic strips, partly. Check it out!

Beetle Bailey, 11/9/24

I know it’s just because of basic newspaper comic strip art hackery, but it really bothers me that Beetle’s shirt here looks exactly like his underwear from two days ago. Did he do that on purpose? Is he wearing that underwear right now? Is it a set? Is he the sort of sicko who goes into some real sicko store, sees a matching shirt/underwear set, then buys it, then wears it? The mind reels. Reels, I say!

Mary Worth, 11/9/24

Since Ed guilted Estelle into abandoning her elaborate themed wedding dreams to instead just do a quickie living room wedding for a handful of people, fully a third of whom were their exes, I assume that Mary does not mean “paying off” in a literal sense here. At least Eve is proud of the things she’s learning, unlike the real unsavory stuff Saul is picking up in his classes that he’s coming home and telling her about or maybe even demonstrating afterwards, to her mingled horror and fascination.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 11/9/24

Truck! Do not attempt to book Shorty and the Beanpole to deliver their neo-vaudevillian stylings at your wedding reception, you will regret it more than you can possibly imagine