“So you’ll do all the work coming up with the strategy stuff? Sounds good to me!”
The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-03-24
Shoe, 3/24/13
By all rights, the Perfesser drunkenly stumbling into the mysteriously open town mortuary in the middle of the night ought to be the set up for one of two things: A tale of spine-tingling horror, or a very specific genre of slash fiction. And yet we get neither! At least we should get corpses. Mort is standing there with elbow-length rubber gloves, for rooting around inside corpses! And there are open coffins everywhere. Why are there no corpses?
Spider-Man, 3/24/13
Among Daredevil’s amazing powers: superhuman tact! “So, Peter, in addition to being a costumed crime-fighter, I’m also a successful, highly paid lawyer! What do you do for a living?” “I’m a freelance photographer for a print newspaper!” “Okay! Then let’s, uh, let’s talk about superhero stuff.”
Panel from Slylock Fox, 3/24/13
um also you guys he’s right over there behind the tree BEHIND YOU YOU CAN LIKE TOTALLY SEE HIM
This post originally appeared as "“So you’ll do all the work coming up with the strategy stuff? Sounds good to me!”" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.