Metapost: Wikipedia humor and Josh standup news!

The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-06-04

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Hello everybody! Briefly interrupting your afternoon to give you two important pieces of news. First: as you may be aware, Rifftrax writer Conor Lastawka and I are co-minders of [Citation Needed], a Tumblr that highlights Wikipedia’s most hilarious bad writing. Yesterday, we released [Citation Needed] 2: The Needening, a collection of our favorite terrible Tumblr entries with added jokes we wrote ourselves!

You can buy it in paperback (less than $10!) or Kindle (only 99 cents, though slightly less bathroom-convenient!). And if you need proof of the book’s hilarity, you can check out the first 50 pages here.

Second: If you are in or near Baltimore, please come see me do standup with many other funny people this coming Thursday, June 6! Here is a poster which contains photo evidence that I am in a line up featuring actual comedians you may have heard of:

It will be at Delia Foley’s in Baltimore’s Federal Hill neighborhood, 1439 S Charles St. 8:30 pm and completely free! I urge you to attend, and laugh!

This post originally appeared as "Metapost: Wikipedia humor and Josh standup news!" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.