“Now his fortune is MINE, ALL MINE, er, I mean, I was very sad, yes, sad”

The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-07-22


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Archie, 7/22/13 Wow, I thought Jughead was a compulsive eater because he needed to fill the hole inside him where emotional intimacy should be, but apparently there’s this whole other twisted sadism angle to it too! Notice that Jughead isn’t just condemning this delicious burrito to a gory execution in his mouth, but rather to [...]

This post originally appeared as "“Now his fortune is MINE, ALL MINE, er, I mean, I was very sad, yes, sad”" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.



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Date tagged:

07/22/2013, 12:30

Date published:

07/22/2013, 08:21