Metapost: Ad love
The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-08-09
Hey, no Comments of the Week from me — look for a double dose when Josh gets back next week. But we can’t let the day pass without thanking our advertisers:
- Blood of the Lamb: Don’t miss this new thriller from Sam Cabot! The Historian meets The Da Vinci Code in this supernatural thriller set in Rome, where rival groups search for a mysterious document that could shatter the Catholic Church. On sale now, or connect with the author on Facebook!
And thanks to everyone who put some scratch in the tip jar! To find out more about how you could be thanked in this spot, and more about sponsoring this site’s RSS feed, click here.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
– Uncle Lumpy
This post originally appeared as "Metapost: Ad love" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.