Related: Mary Worth butts out; Margo cares; world ends

The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-08-12


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Mark Trail, 8/12/13 No use denying it any longer. Mark Trail has taken Rusty fishing โ€” it says so right there in the strip. A treasured Comics Curmudgeon article of faith โ€” that Mark never, ever takes Rusty fishing; that such an event is not physically possible โ€” lies in dust and ashes. Can you [...]

This post originally appeared as "Related: Mary Worth butts out; Margo cares; world ends" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.


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Uncle Lumpy

Date tagged:

08/12/2013, 02:50

Date published:

08/12/2013, 02:46