Wait, that fang — are the Weirdly’s vampires??? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

The Comics Curmudgeon 2013-09-02


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Slylock Fox, 9/2/13 Despite his unnatural skin tone, I’ve more or less accepted Count Weirdly as one of Planet Slylock’s few remaining humans. But his “cousin” Creepy seems significantly genetically divergent, and not just in superficial areas like coloring. Was Weirdly performing illegal genetic experiments not just on the animals that ended up rising up [...]

This post originally appeared as "Wait, that fang — are the Weirdly’s vampires??? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.



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Date tagged:

09/02/2013, 09:12

Date published:

09/02/2013, 08:26