“My mama made carburetors, so consider yourself lucky it’s edible at all”

The Comics Curmudgeon 2014-01-13


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Crankshaft, 1/13/14 One of Crankshaft’s beloved/tiresome running gags is “Lena’s snack food is extremely poorly prepared and thus largely inedible,” but I don’t particularly remember her coffee being a punchline before. At first I thought it was the same gag, but note that Mary is taking another deep swig even after having spun into pin-eyed […]

This post originally appeared as "“My mama made carburetors, so consider yourself lucky it’s edible at all”" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.



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Date tagged:

01/13/2014, 11:10

Date published:

01/13/2014, 08:28