Metapost: Comments! Of! The! Week!

The Comics Curmudgeon 2014-02-07


This week's RSS feed is supported by Larry Gonick's Cartoon History of the Universe, an awe-inspiringly great comic series covering history from the big bang to the 21st century. (Volume 2 is where I learned about the Romance of The Three Kingdoms.) Books One, Two, Three, Four, and Five are all fantastic!(What's the deal with these links? Click here for info.)

Hey all! Are you ready? For your comment of the week? I hope so! “After the wild success of Garbage Ape, the team at Heathcliff is seeing what other wacky new characters they can spawn. Personally, I don’t find ‘Philosopher Yarn’ very exciting, but I’m creating a tumblr for him right now just in case […]

This post originally appeared as "Metapost: Comments! Of! The! Week!" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.

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Gudgeon and gist » The Comics Curmudgeon





Date tagged:

02/07/2014, 14:00

Date published:

02/07/2014, 13:39