From the realms of privilege
The Comics Curmudgeon 2014-03-16
This week's full-text RSS feed is supported by Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half

Hyperbole and a Half is a book with very, very funny words and pictures about subjects both silly (incredibly dumb dogs) and serious (depression). Cliched as it is, you will probably both laugh and cry.
(What's the deal with these links? Click here for info.)
Judge Parker, 3/16/14 How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable are all the uses of this world? Just ask Judge Emeritus Alan Parker! In the years since he returned to his strip, we’ve heard of the growing marital discontent he shares with his wife. He told us he feels old and useless, and we’ve watched helplessly […]
This post originally appeared as "From the realms of privilege" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.