Infima Theologiæ

The Comics Curmudgeon 2014-03-17

This week's full-text RSS feed is supported by Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half

Hyperbole and a Half is a book with very, very funny words and pictures about subjects both silly (incredibly dumb dogs) and serious (depression). Cliched as it is, you will probably both laugh and cry.

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Mark Trail, 3/17/14

“I guess there’s no harm, since you’re collecting a gambling debt!” “I guess there’s no harm, since you’re with the NSA!” “I guess there’s no harm, since you’re a bounty hunter!” “I guess there’s no harm, since you’re his estranged wife!” “I guess there’s no harm, since you’re his criminal rival!” “I guess there’s no harm, since you’re a cop! May I also direct you to the shallow, unmarked graves of his victims?”

Crankshaft, 3/17/14

The quest for a Prime Mover led Thomas Aquinas to God. But in the Funkyverse, the search for ultimate causes always winds up in somebody’s attic with a goddamn comic book.

Curtis, 3/17/14

Oh, that Curtis — such an imp! His creator, too:

I seriously hope this isn’t foreshadowing.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 3/17/14

June Morgan becomes a part-time adjunct professor, a.k.a. Becka’s Revenge. Don’t expect any free clams from this gig, sweetie.

– Uncle Lumpy

This post originally appeared as "Infima Theologiæ" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.

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